Monday, July 1, 2019

Bajeeber Pudding and Light Show

Every morning I wake and thank God for another day to serve Him, but my day starts early so I try to be quiet when I’m talking to Him. Long before the crack of eggs I’m cleaned up and in the studio. Many times it will be a few hours before the sun rises when I start work. 

I love stopping for a moment and peering into the ink stained blackness around me and the viewing pinpricks of heaven catching a bit of celestial beauty. The glorious wonder of creation can be overwhelming so early in the morning or perhaps it is a feeling often associated with sleep deprivation. 

I am often the first person in the office and there have been those moments I have had to fight June Bugs for space at the front door. Oh, there’s also the stray tarantula, but that’s only in autumn and I’m told they don’t bite. Okay… whatever, I’m still tap dancing.

In order to retain my sanity I usually go to bed at a time situated between sundown and just after supper. It’s not always conducive to a positive dream cycle, but once I’m through therapy I will have stories to share, mostly involving a chicken named Earl - and kelp.

When you get up as early as I do you get to see things most others don’t. Now, I will agree it has something to do with their eyes being closed at the same time I am actually viewing early morning life, but humor me, would ya?

I have seen an opossum running across the neighbor’s yard staring at me in a manner I can only describe as spiteful. I have seen deer unhappy that a two-legged animal uncovered their dark deeds of night. It would seem they get rankled when you actually see them eating small trees. I am certain they believe we don’t have a clue about that.

Even birds are sleeping that early in the morning, although I did get to see a red fox and on my honor I will say that it was dancing under a streetlight. I paused on my way to the car and watched as it tried to jump and catch the light. I was absolutely caught up in the moment when a sound sent a cold shiver down my spine, my adrenaline raced and just like that the fox was gone leaving me alone to deal with a stupid cat. 

In defense of the cat it should be noted she ambled though the neighborhood looking for directions to the field mice buffet. I'm not sure why she thought I would know.

Stupid cat.

I must admit I am prone to seeking out the beauty around me. I love to catch sunrises and sunsets whenever possible. I will intentionally seek out parks, mountains and streams for their serenity, beauty and picturesque quality. 

I have to think God created this early morning beauty for my enjoyment and an occasional adrenaline rush.


Stupid cat.

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