Monday, May 27, 2019

The Last Time

When was the last time you drank in a sunset, the unpretentious smile of a toddler, a father with a child sitting on his shoulders? 

When was the last time you heard the mournful sound of a cricket, the breeze whispering through dense pine, the sound of new life? 

When was the last time you felt the warmth of a child's hug, the feel of a tear as it was rubbed gently from the face of one you love, the indescribable joy of holding the hand of one whom God has joined together? 

When was the last time you tasted Mom's best recipe, salt water on a carefree day at the beach, a snowflake? 

When was the last time you had a puppy lick your face, a cat purr in total affection, a child that thought dog biscuits were cookies? 

When was the last time you gave a hug for no reason, said a kind word to a stranger, intentionally blessed your daughter? 

When was the last time you made snow angels, threw snowballs, had rosy red cheeks? 

When was the last time you received an unexpected gift, phone call, visit or email? 

When was the last time you took a long walk, rode a new bike, read a good book? 

When was the last time you had a belly laugh that actually came from your belly, a heartache that brought healing, a physical pain that made you slow down and really see others - maybe for the first time? 

When was the last time you quietly sipped a cup of tea, watched the dance of birds just outside your window, remembered old friends? 

When was the last time you greeted the day with a smile, prayed for your enemy, sang a song of praise? 

When was the last time you thought about Good Friday, Easter Sunday, a risen Savior? 

When was the last time you thanked God for the incredible blessings that make for a wonderful life? 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Midlife Crisis

A glance in the mirror. Simple. Yet altering somehow. 

I am not the child I once was - yet I can still see him there - bright - happy - outgoing. 

But wait, I pause to truly see the me I am today - lines and crevices mar the unspoiled face of childhood mirroring the many paths I could have chosen. 

I am not sixteen, I am not twenty, and I am no longer thirty, forty, or even fifty. Time has marched across my features and I can scarcely remember the Never Neverland of childish imaginings. 

Yet as I continue to gaze in the reflection I see the features of family older and wiser in the shape and contour of my face. These family members gaze at me knowingly and understand the path I tread. A few of these family members remain while others reside in my memory only. 

One day these gathered in my mind will be the stuff of legend with a bit of fable thrown in. Family stories will be passed along to those who never knew the flesh and blood reality. Given enough time most will be forgotten. 

This chance encounter with the me in the mirror brings about a mid-life crisis of sorts. And I find myself needing to make a choice. 

I can attempt to mimic the me I recall in faulty memory or I can attempt to honor the memory of those I have known by being more like them. Yet neither choice seems entirely agreeable. 

Perhaps there is another choice. 

The good old days are often the best of memories sifted often and embellished with time. The future holds much - promise, dreams, adventure, danger, new generations who do not see eye to eye with the past, declining health, and the certainty of loss.  

My life is neither at the beginning and it may not be at the end. God delights in the heart of a child, so I choose that heart - God delights in maturity, so I also chose this path. 

God gave Moses his greatest assignment at the age of 80, Abraham became a parent at 100, Paul and John wrote significant words later in life. Through aches and pains - flesh thorns and heartache God used these men. 

I will not cower at the thought of the coming years. I want to run eagerly to my Savior's side and take His assignments gladly. I want to do so willingly. 

Rather than looking back at the way things were, I want to look ahead to the way things could be. I want the heart of a child and the maturity of a wise man. I want to greet each day with a willingness to pursue the adventure called life. I won't do it by acting like someone half my age - I will do it with the help of an ageless God who loves me and understands that I am mobile dust. 

I will associate with younger people - I will need to know what they think and how they see their world. I will surround myself with older people - I will need the wisdom they can offer. And I will not contribute one dime to the widening of the generation gap. 

The me in the mirror is not what I once was. The me in the mirror is not the final word on who I will become. The me in the mirror is simply a reflection of today - a day that the Lord has made for my enjoyment and, more importantly, His purpose. 

I walk away from the mirror with a smile on my face. I have things to do - crisis averted!

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Cancer Within

Inside the body a cell is calling for mutiny. This single outlaw cell recruits others to join his nefarious plot. At first the other cells refuse to acknowledge the rebellious one, but it isn’t long before one, then two, then groups of others join. This rogue band remains one of the smallest parts of the body, yet this new band of cells are bent on recruiting others as they roam throughout the body looking for the weak and willing.

In time, these collective cells become strong enough to cause damage to the rest of the body. Then again, the body is much larger than the cells and is unaware and little concerned about the spread of potential mutiny. In no time at all it becomes apparent that something is horribly wrong. Tumors caused by a convention of rogue cells, severe pain throughout the body, organs that aren’t working right, and incredible weakness and fatigue.

Each of us know someone who has been affected by cancer, but were you aware that we all live with our own cancer - spiritual cancer - just as deadly and much more serious? Little seeds of ideas and temptations roam through our hearts, minds and souls seeking a hearing. Once they receive an audience, the mind tends to entertain the wicked seed. Soon the sin cancer is ravaging the mind, heart and soul. We find ourselves living with tumors of rebellion and lust, experiencing the severe pain of regret and revenge, experiencing a mind that doesn’t work right, and feeling incredible weakness. "Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12 - NIV).

Just as treatment for bodily cancer is intense, severe and sometimes radical, so too must the condition of sin be removed by Someone with greater skills than we have. Sin will never go away completely and you can’t get rid of it on your own. Jesus is referred to as “The Great Physician” and He is the only One with the qualifications to combat Spiritual cancer by radically removing sin. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10 - NIV).

He provided a medical book, the Bible, to help you become aware of symptoms. He also provides a full list of preventative measures to help us avoid the pain associated with spiritual cancer caused by sin. "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11 - NIV).

The most radical forms of Spiritual cancer could be avoided if individuals would consult the manual before symptoms begin, but far too often a full blown case is in effect before the manual is consulted. The survival rate is 100% for those who consult The Great Physician, however, much pain and distress could be eliminated if preventative measures would have been implemented prior to the onset of spiritual cancer. "Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?" (Romans 6:16 - NIV).

The manual suggests self-examinations on a regular basis "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell... Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Matthew 5:29, 7:1,2 - NIV). 

A full examination by The Great Physician is available on request. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts" (Psalm 139:23 - NIV).

Monday, May 6, 2019

She's No Cyber-Mama

Enjoy. - Glenn

She hasn't caught the bug yet
She's not clicking, scrolling or surfing
I tell her about all that she's missing
She just smiles - while I get nervy

"I could email you pictures of Katie,
I could send you some stories so grand
I could help you to locate lost loved ones
Won't you accept my helping hand?"

"But, I've got some pictures of Katie
Such a bright and gifted young girl
And my friends? Why, they send me letters
Besides, I couldn't begin to use a squirrel."

"It's a mouse mother dear, I'm in earnest
There are so many surfing the web
Shouldn't you be on-line - just to keep in touch
With Connie, Melissa, Joannie and Deb?"

"But I've got their phone numbers,
And it's so lovely to chat
And face to face conversations? I've had them
Now that's where it's at."

I see there's no changing the mind of my mom
So I finish my tea at the dining room table
And hug her before I go home to my family
And she hugs back because she's willing and able

And it occurs to me then like never before
That if my mom were to point, click and scroll
This elegant lady might not have time for me
While cyber space continues to roll

Maybe she does know more than I thought
Maybe it might just be all right
To refrain from the screen and the keyboard
And interact with her at twilight

Oh, I think I'm so clever in this modern world
I've got virus protection and more
But I don't know my neighbors and they don't know me
After 12 years living next door

Front porch and sun tea, pot lucks and picnics
Lost on the wise of this age
But Mom quietly champions her cause
As I read from her hand written page

"It's all right to use the computer
I won't fault you one bit
But when you find the time, Son
Could you drop by and sit?

"I would prefer to see you
But if not, won't you call
Or maybe write a letter
I love you, Son, that's all."