Monday, December 9, 2019

The Heart of His Story

Note: A different take on The Night Before Christmas. My mind does work in unusual ways. - Glenn

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the earth,

Creatures were stirring, just prior to birth.
The baby was wrapped in cloths swaddled with care,
The Son of ‘Almighty’ was finally there.

Mankind was nestled all snug in their beds,
In hopes that Messiah would remove fear and dread.
God in His manger while Mary looked on,
Soon words sprang to her lips, she sang a new song.

My spirit rejoices, my soul praises God,
I am but a servant, and some think me odd.
But today I am blessed, that will be my name,
Great things He has done, I’m no longer the same.

He brings down the haughty, and raises the weak,
He scatters the proud, and gives heart to the meek.
His people He helps, woman, child, and man,
He dispenses His mercy from a righteous right hand.

That boy, once a baby, soon debates with the wise,
He speaks as one learned, knowing how it applies.
But more years would pass by on His way to His plan,
And He would grow in favor with His God, and with man.

He called His disciples and they each made a choice,
Like sheep hear their shepherd they followed His voice.
He told them great stories and each had a purpose,
He shared His life and brought His plan to the surface.

In the quietest moments He spoke of the way,
He must die for mankind, and then rise on that day.
To pay the price for our sins, present, future and past,
To defeat death’s horrid sting, offering eternity vast.

While they did not understand as He spoke these words,
There would come a day when their memories stirred.
They had denied, they had run, they had cried.
Just outside of town, the Messiah was condemned, crucified.

And in the three days that followed, darkness clung to the land,
The earth gave a great shake, and the disciples quietly ran.
To see the body of Jesus, The reminder of promise,
Each chose to believe except one named Thomas.

Victory, sweet victory, the redeemer, alive,
When it came to forgiveness, no more need to deprive.
The love of the Father, brought to life through His son,
Redemption complete, new life won by One.

The story is clear, and the meaning is plain,
When Jesus came to this earth it took dying to gain.
New life for His people, new hope, a new plan,
That started with a baby, a mother, and man.

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the earth,
Creatures were stirring, just prior to birth.
The baby was wrapped in cloths swaddled with care,
The Son of ‘Almighty’ was finally there.

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