Monday, June 3, 2019

A Prowler, Paper Bags & Answered Prayer

Based on actual events

Kurt thought he knew that difficult times were ahead but said yes anyway. It was unusual to start college after marriage and the arrival of two children, but he felt God's leading to do just that.

At the beginning it was an adventure; managing school work and parenting. Then to add that ugly word, "finances" into the picture, Kurt began to strain under the pressure.

They knew things were stretching thin when the family settled for a routine diet of pancakes at breakfast and macaroni and cheese for the remaining meals. They were inexpensive, but never free.

On the day in question, Kurt's wife Paula wasn't feeling well and had gone to bed early. Kurt was reeling from the multiple roles he had to take on, students, father, husband - breadwinner. Oh, now there was a joke, why there wasn't even a loaf of bread in the house.

As an extreme weariness settled heavily on the Bible college student's shoulders, Kurt heard one of his daughters ask him to tuck them in for the night.

Kurt slowly followed his children and knelt by their bed, "What do you want to pray about?"he asked.

"I think we should pray that God would bring us food," his daughter said thoughtfully.

A lump came to Kurt's throat because he knew that they truly were in need of food and yet he felt powerless to provide.

As the prayer came to an end there was a noise outside their little house.

"Lord, I don't need this," Kurt thought as frustration fought for control of his mind.

He rushed to the front door to see who was prowling around when his toe caught the edge of something. His hand instinctively grabbed for the door jam and he steadied himself as he looked to see what he nearly tripped over.

Tear began to well up in his eyes as Kurt counted fourteen bags of groceries.

He suddenly remembered that his children had followed him to the door.

All was quiet for the space of a moment or two and then his daughter said in wide-eyed wonder, "See, God does care about us."

Kurt's face broke into a huge grin as he grabbed his children in his arms and they began dancing around the living room in the overpowering joy of answered prayer.

No, things haven't always been easy for Kurt and his little family, but whenever he is down Kurt will remember the day God's answer came through an unknown prowler and fourteen plain brown paper bags.

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