Monday, February 11, 2019

Simply Day Seven

We've all read the story of the first days of creation. What God made was good and we get to enjoy it everyday, but it caused me to wonder what our initiation into heaven would be like. I know time is something found here on earth and perhaps not in heaven, but I will admit to using time to help describe a transition from good to great. I hope this encourages you to look forward with a little more anticipation. - Glenn

It was the end, but it was the beginning too. In that indefinable moment God brought His faithful to heaven from earth. Heaven was full, brilliant and clothed in radiant light from the throne of God’s grace. Then God said, “Let there be illumination!” and there was. We were filled with understanding of mysteries long misunderstood. God was pleased with our awe. This was the first day of a forever adventure and God saw that is was great.

A river flowed from the throne of God, and it’s waters brought healing as we traveled the streets of gold. God smiled as we dipped our hands in purity and drank deeply of the endless supply. This was the second day of eternity and God saw that it was great.

God gathered us all on a hillside of heaven and men and women of renown were brought before us and answered every question we had ever considered in relation to their walk on earth. Most of us were simply glad to be in His presence and forgot the very questions we once thought so important. This was the third day of time without end and God saw that it was great.

A parade of homes had been planned and created. We were allowed to visit any mansion of our choosing. We thought this a grand notion and visited one or two before returning to the throne to hear the Words of God. We spent the rest of the day in a worship service for the Maker of mansions. This was day four and God saw that it was great.

The next day Jesus preached. All of His disciples were there. Millions of them from every tribe and tongue imaginable. We all basked in the light of His love and life. A new song was fashioned and a choir of millions sang of the majesty of The Redeemer. This was day five and God saw that it was great.

We were reminded by the Creator that we were His greatest creation and made in His very image. We glanced with new appreciation at those gathered around the throne. We wondered if we had ever lived anywhere beyond these gates of splendor. On day six God beheld His children and saw that it was great.

So the introduction to heaven was complete and we all rested in the knowledge that this truly was a place without time and a time without end. It was simply day seven - and it was great.

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