When was the last time you drank in a sunset, the unpretentious smile of a toddler, a father with a child sitting on his shoulders?
When was the last time you heard the mournful sound of a cricket, the breeze whispering through dense pine, the sound of new life?
When was the last time you felt the warmth of a child's hug, the feel of a tear as it was rubbed gently from the face of one you love, the indescribable joy of holding the hand of one whom God has joined together?
When was the last time you tasted Mom's best recipe, salt water on a carefree day at the beach, a snowflake?
When was the last time you had a puppy lick your face, a cat purr in total affection, a child that thought dog biscuits were cookies?
When was the last time you gave a hug for no reason, said a kind word to a stranger, intentionally blessed your daughter?
When was the last time you made snow angels, threw snowballs, had rosy red cheeks?
When was the last time you received an unexpected gift, phone call, visit or email?
When was the last time you took a long walk, rode a new bike, read a good book?
When was the last time you had a belly laugh that actually came from your belly, a heartache that brought healing, a physical pain that made you slow down and really see others - maybe for the first time?
When was the last time you quietly sipped a cup of tea, watched the dance of birds just outside your window, remembered old friends?
When was the last time you greeted the day with a smile, prayed for your enemy, sang a song of praise?
When was the last time you thought about Good Friday, Easter Sunday, a risen Savior?
When was the last time you thanked God for the incredible blessings that make for a wonderful life?