Monday, January 21, 2019

In His Service

It was 15 years ago when I wrote the following. It wasn't because I was feeling depressed, but according to God's Word I am a law breaker and am guilty before God so this was more a statement of fact than feeling. This is less a story about my guilt and more a story of God's grace, and more than anything that is the point. God offers freedom for those held captive by sin, He offers love for those who have no reason to feel lovely, and hope when things seem most hopeless. Maybe there's encouragement here. Just maybe. - Glenn

Each day I am overwhelmed that God would allow me to be an active participant in His service. I don't deserve it, but I have learned not to question God. 

I am fully aware  that I do what I do because of God's amazing grace and not because I feel that somehow I am worthy of the honor of being called a servant. 

You see - 

I didn't come from a rich family so I could never claim privileged lineage. 

I'm not a professor so I can't claim profound brilliance. 

I rarely ever wear a suit and tie, so I can't claim a corner on style. 

And I always have Romans 3:23 to show me the reality of a sinful life. 

Then I look at what God has allowed me to be a part of and I am humbled and broken because I don't deserve it. Then God gently reminds me that He has adopted me as one of His sons and suddenly my point of view changes: 

I do come from a rich family - so I can claim a privileged lineage. 

I have access to the Wisdom of the ages and He has profound brilliance. 

I rarely wear a suit and tie, but my Father clothes me daily in His grace. 

And I always have Romans 3:24 to show me the reality of God's justification of my sin. 

What God allows me to do has everything to do with who He is. My place is at His side serving His interests - not my own. 

And when He decides to use me, I want to be ready - never second guessing my Savior but willing to say, as God's Word so eloquently states, "Here am I, send me", and then I shouldn't be surprised when He does. 

You shouldn't either. 

But [Jesus] said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV


  1. You have said almost exactly what I feel. What an amazing God we serve!

    1. I hope it has left you encouraged. God is, indeed, good.
